Onkel Hayn’s CV

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2014-03-09 14.14.12Onkel Hayn was involved with several import businesses during his lifetime, all of them in different countries, and all but one of them connected in some way to his grandfather, J.H. Hofmann, Jr.. The businesses were lucrative, and Onkel Hayn states that he was worth several million DM at the peak of his career. Had it not been for WWI he would most likely have lived out his days in Le Havre, France, but both his business and home were confiscated, circumstances which eventually led to his decision to move to Switzerland.

Below his “berufliche Laufbahn”:

1.    Lehre in Frankfurt bei J.H. Hofmann, Jr. 1860 – 1864 in the Engros-Geschäft,  Im Grossen Hirschgraben 4, Frankfurt
2.    Anstellung in Rotterdam 1864-66 bei Wilhelm Schöffer & Co.
3.    Anstellung in Antwerpen von 1866-67 bei Eysenbach & Co (until his cousin’s death)
4.    Bürostelle bei Baumwollgeschäft Wiener & Co, London 1867-72
5.    Anstellung bei Wilhelm Schöffer & Co 1872- 1881, Organisierung und Leitung eines Baumwollgeschäfts
6.    Teilhaber bei Hayn Roman & Co in London (coffee and sugar) and Liverpool (cotton) 1881-1886
7.    Teilhaber und Geschäftsleitung bei Hayn Roman & Co in Le Havre 1886-1912

One response »

  1. Dear Sirs,
    I’m doing a research about my family (Roman) and I found out this article/blog of yours. My grandfather was Erwin Frank Roman that came to Brazil (Santos, São Paulo) as manager of Hayn, Roman Co! He was the son of Theo Roman (Theodore Frederick Roman), grandson of Alphons Maximilian Leopold Roman from Wurttemberg (emigrated to England in 1866).
    I believe that Mr Hayn and my great grandfather were partners in London, Liverpool and Le Havre.
    If you have any information to share about it, please inform.
    Thank you for your attention.
    Frank Roman


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